Mosque installs Heronrib to create slip-resistant ablution room | Plastex

Heronrib creates slip-resistant prayer rooms

More than 1,300 worshippers were in need of a safe and comfortable surface in the ablution rooms at Dubai’s busy Easa Saleh Al Gurg mosque.

The problem

The Easa Saleh Al Gurg Mosque in Karama, a residential area in central Dubai, has been open since 2012 and is visited daily by 1,300 worshippers, many of whom perform the ‘Wudu’ five times a day. This ceremony involves worshippers washing their hands, face, head and feet in one of the mosque’s three ablution rooms before walking barefoot into the prayer area. Often, large amounts of water are spilled on the tiled floor during this ritual, creating a slip hazard for worshippers and staff.

The checklist

  • Quickly drains large volumes of water
  • Provides both grip and comfort underfoot
  • Light to handle for easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Protects bare feet from bacterial contamination
  • Can be loose laid over slippery surfaces

The solution

The large surface area of the mosque, one of the biggest in Dubai, called for a slip-resistant matting solution that could be quickly rolled up and relayed for simple maintenance and cleaning. Also crucial was having a comfortable surface to stand and walk on. With these factors at the forefront, the building material division at Intercare Ltd in Dubai recommended all wet areas of the mosque, including the ablution rooms, be laid with Heronrib matting.

Specially designed for wet areas with high amounts of barefoot traffic, Heronrib self-drains even when faced with large volumes of water. The embossed surface delivers grip and comfort underfoot, while the antimicrobial and anti-fungal additives create a continually hygienic space. Easy to handle, these wet area mats can be cut to fit on site and rolled up quickly for cleaning and relaying.

At a glance


Easa Saleh Al Gurg Mosque


A comfortable, hygienic and slip resistant wet area mat that can quickly drain large quantities of water in a busy mosque.


Karama, Dubai



Product spotlight


Keep bathing and washing areas like ablution rooms safe with Heronrib, the ultimate slip-resistant sport and recreation matting designed to withstand extensive barefoot traffic.

Flexible format

Supplied in 10m rolls, can be used indoor or outdoor

Simple installation

Easy to cut to fit on site, contours to uneven surfaces

Easy to maintain

Hygienic, hard-wearing and UV resistant

Created with Sketch.
“Due to the size and nature of the project, Heronrib matting, specified in three different colours, was the perfect solution to prevent slipping accidents in the ablution areas at one of the biggest mosques in Dubai.”
Biju Bhaskaran, Plastex’s UAE distributor Intercare Ltd

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