Tesco creates safer paths with Crossgrip PVC flat roof protection mats | Plastex

Crossgrip PVC creates safe roof walkway

A large Tesco supermarket needed flat roof protection mats to create safe walkways for maintenance workers while they carried out essential tasks.

The problem

Cables, pipes, slippery surfaces and surface units – like many other supermarkets of its size, the Tesco in Pitsea, Essex has a rooftop that’s covered in obstacles. And with a steady stream of staff including maintenance engineers regularly needing access to the roof, the building owners needed to find a safe and easy way for that to happen without damaging the membrane.

The checklist

  • Loose laid, easy to install and have minimum maintenance over its life cycle
  • Remains stable in high winds and can withstand extreme weather conditions
  • Quickly drains and dissipates liquids and debris
  • Resistant to bacterial growth and impermeable in all weather conditions
  • Protects the roof membrane from damage

The solution

Creating safe walkways among the mass of cables and pipes was paramount, so the solution needed to be easy to install on a crowded roof, and allow for extra grip underfoot. Crossgrip PVC, our specialized flat roof protection mats provided the perfect answer. Made from flexible PVC and designed to be loose laid with no fixing required, the matting contours over uneven surfaces, including membrane seams, ramps and changes in levels, and can be cut to fit around obstacles.

The durable, two-layer construction protects the roof membrane, while the diamond-cut pattern and cross-directional top ribs allow for extra traction. Plus, the roof walkway matting remains stable in winds up to 60mph (96km/h).

At a glance


Tesco supermarket


Highly durable, slip-resistant roof walkway matting that provides safe access to the rooftop while protecting the membrane.


Essex, England, UK



Product spotlight

Crossgrip PVC

Our highly specialized roof walkway matting for flat roofs, gantries and high level walkways, Crossgrip PVC is certified slip resistant and able to withstand all weather conditions.

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“Crossgrip has had a dramatic effect. In the winter time, even I was reluctant to go out onto the roof as the membrane was very slippery. Now we have safe access any time of the year and in all weathers. It’s made a big difference to us and the safety of our maintenance teams. The grip underfoot is very impressive and we feel a lot happier and safer negotiating the rooftop pipes, conduits and obstacles.”
Moidean, maintenance engineer, Tesco

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